
It was April, 2003. Leon's elderly cat had died about six months before, and he had decided that, a suitable period of mourning having elapsed, he would bring a new kitty into his life. I went with him to the animal shelter- mostly for moral support.
While Leon was doing some serious kitty shopping, I wandered around looking at some of the caged cats and poking my finger into a cage here and there to stroke a appreciative nose. One cage contained a very handsome grayish tabby with brown ears. I stroked his nose for a moment. Apparently this kitty was lonely, because when I withdrew my finger, he stuck his paw out of the cage at me in a gesture that could only mean "please, don't stop." Leon did not end up finding a suitable cat that day. I fell in love.
I asked for an interview with the cat. Leon came with me into the kitty interview room. The cat was very friendly. He loved being petted. He purred. He sat in our laps- but made it quite clear that he was more interested in me. About two weeks after he came home with us he figured out who the real feline pushover in the house is and became Leon's cat, though he always remained very affectionate with me.
About 2 1/2 years ago, Cinnamon began losing weight. A trip to the vet revealed that he was in the early stages of kidney failure. We have kept him going by feeding him a (very expensive) special renal diet. He stabilized on the diet, however the kidney failure eventually caught up with him. Cinnamon died last night.
I've shared my life with a total of about 8 cats. All were different, and all were much loved. Cinnamon was very special. I've only had one other cat that I would place in that category, and he has been gone for 20 years now. The sensation that the house feels very empty will fade and other cats will come into my life, but Cinnamon will always retain a very special place in my heart.
Good kitty. Bye.
A lovely tribute. So sorry for your loss.
Oh, Doug & Leon, I'm so sorry... I wish I could even begin to understand just HOW dogs and cats have evolved enough wisdom to know how to completely engage us and our love... They love back so unconditionally, loyally, I'm always amazed. YES, you will never forget her, and I wish my babbling could make ANY difference in feeling this loss...just know we're thinking of you both....... My best to Leon as well.
I am so sorry Doug, no words I can find will help. The animals we share our lives with are treasures indeed and I am so happy that Cinnamon found you and had such a happy life.
I am so sorry, Doug. I have known the grief of losing pets, and I know that the grief is real. Those who have not let the soul of a loving pet into their lives may never share your grief, but their lives will also be the poorer for it. HUGS.
Thats so sad Doug. Its a dreadful loss when your pet goes. Our Cocker Spaniel had to be euthanised some 15 years ago now and we still miss him and talk about him. Like losing a third son to us.
An animal comes into your life, it doesn't really matter how, and the hole they leave when they pass is larger than you ever imagined. You gave him a chance, a life,and they return it with love.
Sorry about Cinnamon, I know the feeling, words fail.
Sad to hear that, Doug. Growing up in such an animal-full environment I've had more pets die over the years than I could count, but I shed tears for each and every one of them. They really do become family. I hope that when you and Leon are ready to move on you're able to find another cat who's just as wonderful.
Cinnamon looked a lot like my cat, Merlin. It's an unusual coat pattern that I've never personally encountered outside of my own cats (whose mother, of the same coat colour, was a stray my mom took in).
I'm so sorry to hear about Cinnamon. He sounds like such a special cat, and what a beautiful picture of him you posted. It's unbelievably hard saying goodbye to our furry companions--they nestle so deeply into our hearts.
Oh Doug...I'm so sorry to hear this. Big hugs to you both!
adorable kitty!
I am so sad to hear this
I know what you must be feeling - I was fit to be tied when our two cats died. there is no grief like it.
Please give a hug to Leon
Sorry to hear. Sounds to me like Cinnamon couldn't have asked for better humans, though.
Sorry Doug.
They do leave such a void when they go.
Thanks to everyone for your kind words and support. Seabrooke, I can't believe how much Merlin looks like Cinnamon.
Doug and Leon, I am so sorry. Now I am crying on my keyboard. I know that another cat cannot replace him but I do hope you find cat love again. Wonderfully written Doug.
Oh, Doug, Leon, I'm SO sorry. Cinnamon was a truly special cat, and you were so eloquent in sharing his life. My most gentle thoughts are with you right now.
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