Key West 2010

Well, duh.
Our first full day in Key West fell on Valentine's Day. Candy hearts with messages appeared at breakfast, and included one message that appeared to be directed at UrSpo. Dr. Spo and partner Someone appeared attired to celebrate the holiday.
Spo and Someone
Leon, Michael, and I ventured out to Ft. Zachary Taylor for a picnic lunch (Cuban sandwiches) and some time strolling about the old fort. It was one of the few really nice days of the trip- bright sunshine and temperatures in the mid 60s.
Ft. Zachary Taylor
Ft. Zachary Taylor is noteworthy because it remained in Union hands during the Civil War. The fort played a key role in maintaining the blockade of Gulf cities during the war. Although the fort never saw direct combat, casualties due to disease, especially typhus and yellow fever, were high.

The Infamous 10-holer
Poor sanitation and some of the attendant opportunities for mosquitoes to breed contributed to the disease problem. The above "10-holer" latrine was supposed to benefit from tidal flushing. Unfortunately, tidal flux in Key West is minimal. The result was stench, disease, and death.

Fritz & Me
On Monday evening Will and Fritz arrived. Tuesday they accompanied me, along with a famous author, to tour Ernest Hemingway's Key West residence.

Hemingway House
We toured the house and then the garden. While in the garden, the famous author was lamenting not having seen the spot where Papa Hemingway actually did his writing. Not to worry- the studio was in an outbuilding that was part of the tour.

The Hemingway Studio and Writing Desk
My favorite part was the polydactyl cats.
Great fun! Great photos! Can't wait for more.
I'm trying to remember if I ever took a picture of a toilet when I was on vacation. ;)
The warmth of the weather. The warmth of fellowship. Sounds like a great trip. I'm envious.
Looks like a fine journey, doug.
Why is it gay men always take pictures of the men's room?
I have pictures of some fabulous urinals in Spain. And no...nobody was using them at the time.
I think this is the third trip I've followed you to Key West for the winter. Have we been blogging that long?
I liked the cat.
The cat is nice. The 10-holer is a nightmare to think of using, but the Hemingway writing area is to die for!
Your famous author has been one of my favorite reads!
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