Many Miles to Go

My passport will be getting a workouot. I have lots of travel coming up in the next six months. Some highlights:
In early November, I'll be visiting Mindo on the west slope of the Andes in Ecuador for a conference about exhibiting live butterflies.
I have tentative plans in early December to visit Morelia, the capital of Michoacán, Mexico. There is a meeting regarding developing a conservation flyway from Canada to Mexico for migrating monarch butterflies. I hope to be able to participate
Sometime in the dead of winter, Leon and I are discussing heading off to someplace fabulous and warm with Urspo and his partner.
In March, it looks like it will be back to the monarch sanctuary in Mexico, this time with a group from the Museum.
I travel a lot, but if all of this actually happens, it will be the most international travel that I've ever done in such a short period of time. I can't wait to get to Ecuador again.
Labels: Butterflies, Travel
Wow, I'm envious! Have fun on all your trips!
I'm looking forward to all the great pics and post that will show up here on your blog. I only travel vicariously!
You suck.
I'm sorry.
So. You won THAT prize for talking us all into discoursing on the Environment? Where's MY lost week somewhere in Central America this winter when it's dry prize for our thoughtful discussions of little Earth? Oh well! I'll keep shoveling the old mulch around while you save the planet! GREAT trips it sounds like and like Robin, I too will look forward to your posts.
Send me post cards!
Monarch sanctuary in Mexico ... sunds really great to me ... I have seen a documentary on National Geographic ... pretty awesome place and pretty awesome phenomena ...
I was surprized that only recently they discovered the wintering of Monarchs ...
just leave Sven's telephone number.
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