Gossamer Tapestry

Reflections on conservation, butterflies, and ecology in the nation's heartland

Monday, February 05, 2007

Monkey Business

Mono Titi

Our accommodations at Manuel Antonio are wonderful, because they back right up against the rain forest. I can step right off of my porch and see cool stuff. This afternoon, a troop of the local squirrel monkeys, an endangered species called the Mono Titi, came noisily through the compound. They are really adorable. This time, I even had my camera.

View of the rain forest from just off of my front porch

This morning, we went to the nearby town of Quepos on the Great Underwear Hunt. While in town, Leon pointed out a HUGE longhorn beetle that had been crushed in the middle of one of the streets. It was useless as a specimen, and I didn’t have my camera. But I feel like I’m now on a mission.

View from near the pool this afternoon. The monkeys were driving the resort owners' cat absolutely crazy.

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At 07:45, Blogger BentonQuest said...

Doug, I am so jealous of all of you!


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