Gossamer Tapestry

Reflections on conservation, butterflies, and ecology in the nation's heartland

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

In Case You Missed This Part...

"We will restore science to its rightful place..."
President Barack Obama, Inaugural Address

Not just a pro-science sentiment, but a recognition that things have been not quite right on that front.

I watched. I was a mess. The day after the election, I was walking around the Lincoln Park neighborhood in Chicago, feeling crushed by the passage of Proposition 8 in California. Everyone around me was ebullient. I wasn't and I felt like it showed. I wondered if people thought I was a McCain supporter. Ugh. Today, I'm happy to be able to join in the celebratory mood.

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At 17:01, Blogger Fresh Kiki said...

MONUMENTAL-been in tears most of the day- so so so very moving-in my now 50 years I have NEVER been so ecited and moved! PROUD to be an AMERICAN

At 17:37, Blogger Lemuel said...

Were not those words wonderful to hear!

At 20:27, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I heard a lot of important things in that speech today. I think I'm breathing more freely again.

At 21:52, Blogger Ur-spo said...

It is nice to hear a president recognizing science as important, not just something that gets in the way of christian dogma.

At 00:02, Blogger SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Now lets see if it gets acted upon.

At 07:33, Blogger Doug Taron said...

CG- Sentiment I would not have expected from my Republican sister ;-)

Lem- As I said, I was a mess during much of his speech.

pablo- I agree. I mentioned that specific part because it's of particular interest to me, and because I wasn't seeing much discussion of it elsewhere.

Spo- I hope that he is an active supporter of science. At worst, I don't expect his administration to be actively hostile to it as the previous one was.

Joan- Agreed.

At 10:53, Blogger robin andrea said...

One of my favorite moments, as well, that and his inclusion of non-believers. We are all again welcomed in our country. It feels good to be home.

At 16:32, Blogger Will said...

Robin, it remains to be seen how welcomed GLBT people will be but we certainly can hope. Blacking Gene Robinson out of the Sunday concert may have been the Obama Transition Team's doing (according to HBO) and Rick warren was super-Christianing it up in his invocation.

I'm thrilled with Obama and welcome him (along with flushing Bozo and his gang out of D.C.) but on gay issues, I'll await whqt Obama does, not just what he says.

At 17:09, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will he begin to act you say? Have you read the news? He's put a hold on ALL of Bushee's last rules put in place to finish pillaging us, HE has STOPPED any more military tribunals in Guantanamo, he's meeting with all the Military commanders this PM. and yes, I am CERTAIN THIS guy believes in TRUE Science, and yes I'm thrilled. We were very emotional listening to that speech. Glad you enjoyed it too, Doug.

At 09:07, Blogger Dave Coulter said...

BTW, there was a positive vibe at that symposium yesterday. The prospects of having a pro-environment administation sure helped the mood!

At 06:02, Blogger Dr. Know said...

It's about time that science was returned to the realm of reality and fact, not partisan spew.
I have a friend who is a microbiology professor at ETSU who has been having conniption fits over the past 8 years. I hope she can relax now...


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