Gossamer Tapestry

Reflections on conservation, butterflies, and ecology in the nation's heartland

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Early Birthday Gift

My birthday isn't until the end of the month. Leon gave me my gift early-- a new cheese press! I took it for a spin this weekend. My interest was partly because the press advertised itself as using molds that avoid the problem of "brittle" cheese by draining through the bottom only. I'm assuming that brittleness refers to the very crumbly texture that my hard cheeses typically show.

When I took the Gouda out of the mold this morning, I did notice an improved feel to the cheese wheel as I removed it. I also like the flatter and wider shape that this mold produces.

Q: What does this cheese have in common with John McCain and Sarah Palin?

A: It's going to get waxed on Election Night.

On a related note, the other day new visitor rsb75 commented on an old cheesemaking post and left me a link to a new cheese supplier. Wow, they have great stuff, and they're much closer than New England Cheesemaking. They have some bits of equipment that look really useful, and that I've not seen before. In a mildly frustrating development, I realized that just a few days before I heard about them, I had been just a couple of miles from their store. Oh well, they're still fairly close, I should be able to get back up there.

Thanks rsb75!



At 13:12, Blogger Lemuel said...

Should the bottom fall out of insect and butterfly "futures", I think you've found something to fall back on. :)

At 14:12, Blogger robin andrea said...

I like your optimism about election night. That's a great looking gouda.

At 18:10, Blogger Ur-spo said...

why did Leon give you your birthday prize early? Birthday prizes are for you birth-day!?

The cheese does look good though
I am off cheese and most everything for 3 months to spite my doctor and get in shape for KW

At 13:53, Blogger Dave Coulter said...

I like that joke! ;)

At 16:41, Blogger cedrorum said...

Lets hope your correct on the election night joke. That cheese looks mahvelous. Now I'm hungry.

At 17:22, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I see what you should have brought to Portland...(besides Pickles)....CHEESE ! DAMN, why didn't we ask for THAT? We are still looking around for a cheap used cooler......

At 17:44, Blogger TR Ryan said...

Here's hoping the cheese is cured as well as our eight year headache. Happy Birthday!

At 09:05, Blogger Doug Taron said...

Lem- sadly, with this economy it's more than an academic concern.

Robin- Thanks. I just voted, and am feeling pretty confident.

Spo- I'm glad he did, because I can use it to make chesses for the holidays.

Dave and cedrorum- Thanks.

Mark- I thought about bringing cheese with me when I went to Oregon, but I didn't have anything at the right stage of development.

t.r. - Thanks. I hope you are having fun in Nicaragua.

At 18:47, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yum! I like Gouda.
Nothing wrong with early birthday prezzies. And early happy birthday!

At 08:58, Blogger Texas Travelers said...

I hope your wax job turned out proportional to the election. ;o)

Nice looking cheese and press.


At 22:57, Blogger Kathie Brown said...

Doug, yay for the cheese and the cheese maker! Have you read that book "Blessed are the Cheese Makers" yet? I already want to re-read it, especially everytime I see one of your cheese making posts, and I don't even like cheese! Happy birthday whenever it is!


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